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Nick Trimble | Tips for Choosing the Best Wedding Singer

Nick Trimble

Your wedding day is going to be one of the most important days of your life. You have thought about it since you were young and now, as you are going through all the planning and preparation leading up to the special day, you have to find the right wedding singer. Even though there are hundreds of options out there, not all are going to be the right fit for you and your partner.

Not only is hiring the best wedding singer available important for you, it is also essential for your guests. You want your wedding day to be a happy and exciting time for all of your family, friends, and loved ones. If you get a bad singer, it will not take long for the entire event to be ruined. There are tips to follow and steps to take to choosing the right performer. Always do your research ahead of time.

Perhaps the best way to discover the right wedding singer for your special day is by asking around to your friends and family members. Chances are they have hired someone for their own nuptial day or they have been to a wedding where the performer really stood out. Those people that are closest to you are the ones that you can trust the most to give you honest answers about who they have heard.

Nick Trimble
You can always check online at various wedding websites for reviews and testimonials on different singers. However, make sure to do this with caution. There are businesses out there that will hire professional writers to complete testimonials and reviews for them even if they have never heard them perform before.

Go through your phone book to discover local wedding singers. You can call all of those that seem to be interesting to you. When you do call them, be sure to ask them all the questions you have about your expectations for your wedding. If they seem to be a good fit, request references from previous customers. Professional wedding singers will not have a problem sharing satisfied customer's numbers.

Make a choice of what you want as far as the complete package of entertainment. Are you and your partner looking for someone to sing along to music over a PA system or do you want someone that is accompanied by a band? This is going to make a big difference in who you research and hire.

Get prices on all of the singers you interview. You are probably working with a budget as far as how much you have available for the entertainment portion of the night. You do not want to fall in love with an artist only to find that they are way out of your price range. You also do not want to pay a high price for someone that delivers poor quality music.

Before you head out to the wedding singer market, take a look inside your own personal circle of friends and family. If you have someone that you know that can sing the songs you want at your wedding ceremony or reception, it will make it all that extra special when it is someone you are close to. It can also be a more affordable option.

Finally, always schedule a one-on-one interview with the person you think you want to have at your wedding. They may seem to fit the bill, but when you sit down with them they are not what you expected. You want to be sure that the person is not only able to understand and communicate with you, but also that they are friendly and someone you want around on your special day.


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